Project activities
Original situation:
The client consulted us about a practical problem in their office: many social rooms, phone booths and meeting rooms of all sizes are available, but nearly nobody would use them, as they found them uncomfortable due to high reverberation. This office recently built in a high-end office tower was supposed to be comfortable and should have provided the employees with an enjoyable work environment… But the reality was far from this.
What we implemented:
Zenfeel started this project with an acoustic study to determine the right specifications of treatments in each zone. We treated a large meeting room and two phone booths as a 1st phase to let the client experience the difference. Shortly after, they came back to us very satisfied and wished to continue upgrading more spaces. We treated another 3 meeting rooms in a second phase of installation. We implemented Smart-Panels combining a coconut fiber acoustic layer + carved and printed polyester finish, as well as our Menhir acoustic columns to enhance the sound absorption at various locations.
The client is delighted to see his staff now using all those rooms that once were abandoned due to poor acoustics. Their office is now used at its full potential, allowing all employees to work more efficiently in a welcoming environment.
Installed products

Eco fiber coconut

Groove polyester panel

Printed polyester panel

Menhir acoustic column

Smart Panel
Our scope of work on this project : turnkey retrofit
Floor surface (m2)
Acoustic treatment surface (m2)
I’d like to thank Zenfeel’s team for their professional handling of our issues. They were able to assess accurately the acoustic treatments we needed and handled the installation works very smoothly. Our staff can finally use this office at its full potential.